This is about photography

Sunday, July 17, 2005

A nightmare!

This is what we all fear. We hear strange noises from our bathroom and this nightmare is upon us.
No, this is not real. I did'nt spend 4 hours building this scene. It is from a swedish architecture exibition some 3 years ago. I just like the photo and you should see it too... :-)


  • Hi Claus. I am interested in photography much the same way you are. I earn my paycheck as a computer programmer but ALWAYS have my digital camera in the car. You need to post more pics! I know you have a ton ;o) I'd love to keep the lines of communication open and share photos and thoughts. I'd like to turn my hobby into something more but haven't ever taken a step in that directions.

    By Blogger AboutA, at Monday, July 25, 2005  

  • Esta foto esta buenisima, nunca se me hubiese ocurrido inundar mi baƱo asi (jajajaj)muy bueno tu blogg

    By Blogger Marcela, at Wednesday, September 21, 2005  

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